Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fall is the time to pick up the slack...

Ok, for those of you in the northern areas of the US it is time to pick up the slack to prepare for a better season next year.

I would suggest getting your favorite biological product and adding it now to help break down all that left over sediment from the summer months and for any leaves and other debris making it into your pond right now. Helping clean this up will help to remove lots of food for algae and other weeds next spring.

This can be sound advise for souther ponds as well as biological treatments are most effective in cooler water temps as the bacteria is more active.

Always remember that you never want to use a copper based products rigth after using a biological one since copper will kill this type of treatment. Always wait a couple days after a copper treatment to use biological products to help bring the beneficial bacteria counts back up to a good healthy amount.

Southern ponds require year round treatment against algae and other pond weeds that is many times not the case in the north. However, either way you need to know what steps are needed to keep your pond in it's best shape.

If you need advice on any product, please do not hesitate to contact us. Head over to to see all of our products today if you have any needs.

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