Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Increasing Oxygen Levels and Water Movement

There are many different ways to increase the oxygen levels and water flow. In many ways those two things go hand in hand. The end result though is more oxygen in the water. The most common ways to accomplish this is through the use of windmills and electronic aeration units. Both will increase the oxygen levels by causing water movement and surface tension. Costs can be about the same for either option but windmills do not require power.

There are many reasons for adding something to increase your oxygen levels in a pond. This will help buffer against oxygen level drops due to the loss of plant life. This can happen during seasonal changes as well as due to chemical treatments. For those where freezing can occur this helps to add oxygen which can be depleted during a deep freeze.

Adding a method to increase and maintain your ponds oxygen level can be a great investment rather than paying to restock often. We have added an entire line of windmills at great prices, please take a look. If you are interested in an electrical aeration system, please contact us today so we can get you more information.

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