Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Treating anything takes time...

This is just a friendly reminder to make sure you allow products you use on your pond time to work. Rushing things along by adding additional chemicals can be risky to your pond and the life in and around it. Remember that sometimes slower is better anyway. Like with almost anything a slow change over time to anything tends to be better than a rapid change. When it comes to any form of plant/algae in a pond, killing all of it and in a quick manner can cause unsafe oxygen levels.

So the best methods to treatment are usually have lapses in time and variation of area that is treated. Some products, such as White Cap, have a built in chemical reaction that releases slowly over time and automatically kills off the problem weeds slowly.

One last note is that weeds and algae are normally a sign of a larger issues that are causing the growth. It could be from springs feeding nutrients to your pond, run off water carrying waste or chemicals and even debris that have built up on your ponds bottom. The first two issues may require some changes to your pond or land. The last one can be handled by use of bacteria products. These products contain high doses of bacteria that help to break down the debris that are decaying in your pond that feed algae and weeds.

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