Thursday, November 5, 2009

Storage of pond care products.

Like many chemicals, pond care products can be stored but with some care. One of the biggest issues for pond care products is extreme cold. Freezing can cause some products to go bad and may cause damage to the plastic bottles which could lead to leaks. Leaking dye can cause many other issues and lots of damage. Chleated copper products should definetly not be allowed to freeze as it will cause a reaction that ruins the product.

It's a good idea to avoid leaving them in areas that get really wet when storing products in the cardboard case. The bottles themselves will be ok and the product should not be affected by this.

Another thing to note is that once the seal is broken, many pond care products will lose potency over time. Storing such products should be for as short of a period as possible and they should be kept in ideal conditions. Just a note that some products, especially biological bacterai products, have a shorter shelf life even if stored sealed and in ideal conditions.

If you have any questions you can email me at anytime.

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