Thursday, August 20, 2009

Did you miss?

We try to keep information posted based on the time of year and products that you may need to purchase or use related to that time of the year. One thing to keep in mind is that southern states may need to keep normal treatments year round were many northern states will have winter months that there is little to no work needed.

I have recently created blog entrires relating to fluiridone, end of summer/dry season issues, northern pond biological treatments and a couple posts related to brands. Please take the time to catch up if you need to. Feel free to ask me questions via email when you have any.

A quick note again on biological treatment as this part of the year is easily the highest need for such a treatment. Biological treatments are used for breaking down various debris that end up in your pond. This can include grass from mowing, dead plant life from treatment, leaves and waste carried by water running in to the pond from surrounding areas. All of the above items are food for algae. Biological treatment will break this down so that it is not usable as food which will slow algae growth. Biological products are best used a couple days after copper is used for spot treating (or copper related products are applied) and also are most effective when the water is at 70 degrees or lower. Always remember that applying copper kills these beneficial bacteria, so never apply biological treatments before applications of copper based products.

We carry a great biological treatment called by Natural Pond Cleaner by Sanco Industries. This product goes a long way and will store if needed as long as it is kept above 40 degrees. Please visit our other products page at for current pricing. Note that the price given includes shipping to your home or business.

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