Monday, July 20, 2009

August and September

It's time to be prepared and not to get behind. Once you fall behind it can be very hard and expensive to get your pond back in shape.

August is the warmest time of the year and requires that you keep up on your maintenance. Remember that you will have loss of the chemicals over time for several reasons. If your pond has lost some coloration since the spring it is best to get that back to the right level by the time the hot and dry season arrives.

September is already moving toward the next part of the ponds cycle. This is especially true in northern states. It's time to get the biological treatment in when it's most effective. Natural Pond Cleaner is one of those products and will break down waste in your pond. This type of treament is best if used year round but will be most effective in the spring and fall when it's cooler.

If you have any chemical needs, please feel free to stop over at to check our price list. Shipping and taxes (for Indiana residents) are included in the price listed.

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