Friday, June 26, 2009

What are bioligical products needed for?

Biological products help to break down build up on your ponds bottom. This might include leaves, branches, dead plants and even dead fish to name a few things. These items will foster algae growth if left alone. The algae will use that as a food source and be much harder to control.

The best way to control this build up is maintaning the level of bacteria in your pond. Adding biological products is a great way to increase the amount of bacteria. It is also a natural way to help control algae growth.

This type of product is most effective in colder water but can and should be used during normal months that require care which differ depending on your location. The best times to add this product are spring and fall when the water is to cold for use of copper based products. This normally is the same times when there is the most build up in the bottom of the pond. It is also important to know that using copper sulfate to kill algae also kills these beneficial bacteria. So another good time is a couple days after treating the pond with copper sulfate.

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