Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dye colors, is there a difference?

As a pond owner myself I have decided that I like one color over the other. In general there is no difference in the effectiveness of the various colors themselves. Some dyes will cause reactions that cloud the water, some will reflect the light better, but in the end the goal of lowering the amount of sunlight penetrating into the water still is accomplished. So try to find the brand and color/color combination that you like and use it.

The thing to pay attention to the most when selecting a dye for your pond is the quantity of each brand that is required to effectively cover your ponds size. Different brands and colors may have different rates of use and could change the amount of dye that is needed to do an effective job.

If you are looking for dye for your pond right now, please feel free to check our our products at Pond Care Direct today. We carry True Blue and three colors of Sanco dye.

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